Farnham Infrastructure Programme

A31 Options contributions

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almost 2 years ago


How do you feel about the Coxbridge roundabout proposal?


Why do you feel this way?

No need for pedestrian crossing on half of western arm of A31. Stupid idea, dangerous as it would encourage pedestrians to cross there at risk from westbound vehicles.

How do you feel about the Shephard and Flock roundabout proposal?


Why do you feel this way?

Numerous additional light controls would increase congestion, tailbacks and blocking-back. Clearly not modelled.

Why have you chosen this option?

Option 1 would recreate the dangerous requirement that westbound A31 traffic must merge before the bridge (encouraging 'racing'), which existed before 2004. Would increase danger, so Bad idea. Option 3 would cut off access fro Firgrove Hill to Station (Approach Road). Unacceptable. Option 2 (underpass) was not withdrawn in 2003 due to impracticality (Offices built where roundabout would need to be; objections to sliproad across Borelli Walk; land levels make South Street arms very steep). I would support a variation of this if it were practically feasible, but I believe this is not a genuine proposition. Show us the plans ! No town centre changes or roadspace reallocation can be carried out until AFTER bypass improvements have been completed.

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almost 2 years ago


How do you feel about the Coxbridge roundabout proposal?


Why do you feel this way?

seems to work

How do you feel about the Shephard and Flock roundabout proposal?


Why do you feel this way?

i It is all good except for the suggested loss of the free flow lane to the A31 east. Water Lane roundabout needs to be done at the same time. The traffic lights will prevent that feeling of taking your life in our hands - or more likely, someone else's, who cannot work out how to navigate the lanes.

Which option do you prefer for Hickley’s corner?

Firgrove Hill improvements

Why have you chosen this option?

Underpass is a non starter - too expensive and very difficult to achieve given the very low level of the land and proximity of the River Wey. It would flood in heavy winter storms. Improving existing is just kicking the can down the line. Only concern is the engineering required to fit in the necessary roundabouts on the river terraces, and the disruption to existing residents in the area.

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almost 2 years ago


How do you feel about the Coxbridge roundabout proposal?


Why do you feel this way?

I can't see any proposals for improved cycle paths in the documentation - are there any?

How do you feel about the Shephard and Flock roundabout proposal?


Why do you feel this way?

I can't see any reference to cycle paths in the documentation - are there any?

Which option do you prefer for Hickley’s corner?

Improve existing junction

Why have you chosen this option?

The underpass is the worst option - this would cause great disruption for very many years during its construction. The best option is to improves the existing junction. This would boost capacity with the minimum of disruption and probably is by far the cheapest option. The Firgrove Hill improvements have some merits - they would not be as disruptive as the construction of an underpass, there is the replace. It is impossible to say from the schematic diagram how feasible the scheme is - there are lots of proposed roads/roundabouts to be squeezed into a small area and the railway bridge is not shown anywhere! Can it be done!

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almost 2 years ago


How do you feel about the Coxbridge roundabout proposal?


Why do you feel this way?

Well thought our proposal

How do you feel about the Shephard and Flock roundabout proposal?


Why do you feel this way?

Good proposal

Which option do you prefer for Hickley’s corner?

Firgrove Hill improvements

Why have you chosen this option?

Most realistic option

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almost 2 years ago


How do you feel about the Coxbridge roundabout proposal?


How do you feel about the Shephard and Flock roundabout proposal?


Which option do you prefer for Hickley’s corner?


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