Farnham Infrastructure Programme

Active and sustainable travel contributions

Some people making comments


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almost 2 years ago


Overall, how do you feel about walking and cycling in Farnham?


What would help you to increase your use of walking to get around the town?

Better buses, and more seats in the town centre

What would help you to increase your use of bus services to get around the town?

better bus stops - not necessarily digital, just better positioning of stops

Do you have any further comments about walking and cycling in Farnham?

get the cyclists off the pavements, tell them not to go the wrong way down one-way streets and to stop sensibly at traffic lights.

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Mostly negative

almost 2 years ago


Overall, how do you feel about walking and cycling in Farnham?

Mostly negative

What would help you to increase your use of cycling/ e-biking e-scootering to get around the town?

I currently cycle to and around Farnham as this is the quickest way to get into town. I would prefer more segregated cycle paths where possible and more secure cycle parking, rather than having to chain my bike to a lamppost or railings.

Do you have any further comments about walking and cycling in Farnham?

Your words above all sound fine about progressing cycle paths and cycle parking, but where is the LCWIP? This needs to be considered at the same time as decisions are made about car/traffic changes so that the overall 'system' designed has complementary proposals/designs for cars and active travel - the active travel must not fit in with car schemes AFTER they have been designed. Have detailed options for cycle routes been published and if so, how do they fit with the Options A and B for traffic layouts in the town centre? If you want to encourage as many car users and their families to cycle, you need to make cycling as safe and enjoyable as possible and this means segregated cycle lanes - and secure parking - wherever possible.

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almost 2 years ago


Overall, how do you feel about walking and cycling in Farnham?


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almost 2 years ago


Overall, how do you feel about walking and cycling in Farnham?


What would help you to increase your use of walking to get around the town?

Safer pavements and less congestion

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Mostly positive

almost 2 years ago


Overall, how do you feel about walking and cycling in Farnham?

Mostly positive

What would help you to increase your use of walking to get around the town?

More pleasant town centre and less air pollution

What would help you to increase your use of cycling/ e-biking e-scootering to get around the town?

Needs to be much safer than it is at the moment

What would help you to increase your use of bus services to get around the town?

more reasonable bus prices and more frequent buses

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