Farnham Infrastructure Programme

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Farnham Board - 16/12: now online only

The Farnham Board is meeting on this Friday (16 December) at 10am to discuss the latest on the Farnham Infrastructure Programme - including the results of the town centre consultation held over the summer.

However, the meeting will now be held online, rather than at the town council offices as had been previously publicised. This is due to the icy conditions adding to travel disruption caused by the train strikes - we don’t want people travelling unnecessarily.

We encourage anyone who wants to find out about the next steps for the town centre to follow the meeting online. It will be broadcast live on the Farnham Town Council YouTube channel - and available to watch afterwards.

Farnham Town Council on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@farnhamtowncouncil1912/streams

Farnham Board agenda and papers - https://mycouncil.surreycc.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=828&MId=8701&Ver=4

Posted on 14th December 2022

by FIP team