Farnham Infrastructure Programme

Town centre proposals contributions

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7 months ago


Overall, do you support the implementation of Proposal A - the changes to Castle and Downing Street?


We would like to provide the opportunity for you to comment on the specific changes. Which of these changes would you like to comment on?

• Raised crossing

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almost 2 years ago


Overall, do you support the implementation of Proposal A - the changes to Castle and Downing Street?


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almost 2 years ago


Overall, do you support the implementation of Proposal A - the changes to Castle and Downing Street?


Why do you feel this way?

Loss of roadspace (capacity) in Downing Street increases congestion and cannot be implemented prior to A31 bypass works and provision of alternative routes. At 2019 traffic levels the parking of vehicles in Downing Street always caused extreme congestion. Maximising retail visitors requires the town to be accessible. Signange told residents that the Covid measures were temporary and tha nothing would be done without proper consultation. By evading specific consultation on the Downing Street measures (and failing to advise residents that the intention is to establish Downing Street measures before A31 works) SCC's consultation is fundamentally flawed and demonstrates that it cannot be trusted.

Overall, do you support proposal B - changing the traffic flow and widening pavements?


Why do you feel this way?

Farnham residents have always wanted improved pedestrian conditions but have always insisted upon ALTERNATIVE ROUTES FIRST. SCC have always tried to con residents into accepting deliberate gridlock with no alternative routes, based on false promises of A31 improvements. Groundhog Day.

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almost 2 years ago


Overall, do you support the implementation of Proposal A - the changes to Castle and Downing Street?

Not sure

Why do you feel this way?

You might as well do Downing Street as the town seems to have coped ok since covid, but the extra room at the top by Corals that you indicate fizzles out, and that is the nastiest bit of the road. Castle street will lose its imposing historic character if it is filleted into strips. There doesn't seem to be enough residents parking and certainly not enough benches for aged passers by to collapse on - only those folk eating or drinking are provided with tables and chairs, which involves cost. and having said furniture on the pavement can be a blinking nuisance to the physically impaired or buggy pushers

We would like to provide the opportunity for you to comment on the specific changes. Which of these changes would you like to comment on?

• Raised crossing

• Widening Pavement

• Outside dining

• Parking bay

• Taxi rank

• Seating for passers by

What are your thoughts about these specific changes?

I have commented above on most of these. To move the taxi rank to East or West street means taking up room in those roads, which can be ill-spared, and may not be in the right place for customers to access a ride. I don't like raised crossings - they may be level with the pavement at each end, but the slope either side makes them trickier for people with walking difficulties. If you widen pavements, please make sure that they are level from kerb to curtilage - so often 'improvements' leave the cafe and restaurant to enjoy the original levelled pavement space, and the pedestrian to negotiate a variety of tip-tilted gradients in what was the roadway camber. There are nowhere near enough public seats in Farnham Town centre - and I mean proper seats, not perches on the edge of planters, and not twists of metal designed to prevent antisocial behaviour.

Overall, do you support proposal B - changing the traffic flow and widening pavements?


Why do you feel this way?

Because "Away from the town centre, traffic flows are predicted to reduce on some roads but increase on others, due to this displacement. There are predicted increases in flow on parts of Upper Hale Road, Alma Lane and the A325 between Upper Hale Road and the Shepherd and Flock roundabout, Upper Weybourne Lane, Lower Weybourne Lane" These are the roads I use. I don't find the town centre traffic excessive, although the nature of the streets does mean very poor air quality; but North Farnham also has poor air quality, and all this does is move the problem out of the centre and dump it on top of the existing problem in north Farnham.

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almost 2 years ago


Overall, do you support the implementation of Proposal A - the changes to Castle and Downing Street?

Not sure

We would like to provide the opportunity for you to comment on the specific changes. Which of these changes would you like to comment on?

• New cycle parking

• Crossing controlled by traffic lights

• Bus stop

What are your thoughts about these specific changes?

Cycle parking should be provided within existing car parks Bus stop will cause major hold ups if cars cannot get around stationary buses. New traffic lights at top of Downing st will create huge conjestion back

Overall, do you support proposal B - changing the traffic flow and widening pavements?


Why do you feel this way?

I feel the new traffic flow will clog up the town and create bigger contamination problems

We would like to provide you with the opportunity to comment on specific changes. Which of the changes would you like to comment on?

• Crossing controlled by traffic lights

• New cycle parking

• Bus stops

What are your thoughts about these specific changes?

Traffic lights will produce major traffic tailbacks in Downning st and Unió. St.

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